Honest feedback can be hard to take.
Gathering it in the first place? Even harder.

LocalReview global requirements

LocalReview puts an end to chaotic discussions across channels and teams thanks to its centralized platform for all points of contact involved in your translations.

Adjust, comment and approve. The platform solution for systematic review processes.

LocalReview brings all project participants together in a lean system. The online editor, live preview and comment features make the process quick, easy and efficient.

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InstantTranslation tool

When should I use LocalReview?

When you need to get feedback from a number of sources without sacrificing efficiency.

Imagine that your startup is going global for the first time. It has set up marketing teams in several markets, and all of these teams now need to validate and approve translations of your website. You need a tool that streamlines coordination between reviewers, the project team and your language services provider.

LocalReview: what’s included.

The age of unwieldy email chains with a jumble of versions is over.

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Efficiently create and manage orders

With standard reviewers for each language combination or individually for each translation.

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Easily include internal and external partners

From your local marketing teams to agencies to legal advisers in your target market.

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Translation memory kept up to date

Constantly improving: your teams’ changes are always saved in your translation memory.

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Perfect target texts thanks to visual context

With the browser editor, your teams can see word-for-word how adjustments will change the layout.

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Efficient communication with the whole team

Collaboration is always about discussion. At all levels of your business and directly with our linguistic teams.

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Everything under control on a centralized platform

Keep track of your translations and know they’re secure in an encrypted database.

How much does LocalReview cost?

It depends. On the size of your team and how intensely you'll be using the platform.


Our free trial. Get to know LocalReview and how it can benefit your review process.



For smaller teams with a select few reviewers and a DIY attitude.



For big teams with even bigger ambitions when it comes to going global.



For big teams that want to enjoy first-class treatment.


Want to take a look at the plans with our experts? We’d love to.
Book a demo, use our contact form or just give us a call at +41 43 500 33 80.


KARL LAGERFELD: Global approvals with style

With LocalReview, the fashion label brings all brand specialists together - directly in the online editor. For changes, comments and elegant review processes from the headline to the multilingual product video.

Why wait?

We look forward to simplifying your approval process and would be happy to show you LocalReview in a live demo.

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